אודות ד״ר פול דמבי:
An American born and raised, Israeli trained board certified and licensed orthopedic surgeon.
He received his specialist license in 2021 and been helping patients ever since. He made Aliya in 2013 after finishing medical school and immediately began his training as some best hospitals in Israel as an orthopedic surgeon.
Dr. Demby has earned a reputation of being a doctor that takes on more challenging patients who have not found the solutions they seek through tradition channels. He helps these more difficult patients by taking a tailor made approach unique to every patient’s problem and formulating a solution specific to them. He has a holistic approach to the patient's problem rather than just treating a specific body part.
He developed a passion for interventional orthopedics towards the end of his residency, which he truly believes will replace the traditional surgical approach to most orthopedic problems. Surgeries can be invasive with long recoveries and complications. Dr. Demby believes surgery should be seen as a last resort once all other options have been exhausted.
The future of orthopedics lies in minimally invasive innovative preventive treatments that could delay if not completely prevent the need for some major procedures.
After discovering his passion for regenerative orthobiologics, Dr. Demby mastered his skills and knowledge by studying with some of the greatest experts from around the world. He has completed extensive training in all the types of orthbiologics as well as thousands of hours mastering his musculoskeletal ultrasound skills.
He truly believes the future is here and wants to be on the forefront of innovation.